
Module 7 Let's look back - 第2课时

一、1.C egg(蛋;鸡蛋)和rice(米,饭)属于食物名词,juice(果汁)和coffee(咖啡)属于饮品名词。

2.A milk(牛奶)和tea(茶)属于饮品名词,noodle(面条)和bread(面包)属于食物名词

3.B chips(炸薯条)和sandwich(三明治)属于食物名词,milk(牛奶)和water(水)属于饮品名词

4.A salty(咸的)和sweet(甜的)是形容词,start(开始;出发)和can(可能,能;罐)既是动词又是名词

5.B plate(盘子;碟)和bowl(碗)属于餐具类名词,most(最;大多数)是副词,cold(冷的)是形容词

二、(答案不唯一)1.girl boy friend homework teacher

2.fruit vegetables shop car buy

三、1.A 2.B 3.A 4.A

四、1.F 由“Mr and Mrs White go shopping by car.”可知此题错误。

2.T 由“So they buy a large box of milk and some bread.”可知此题正确。

3.F 由“They buy a lot of meat and vegetables.”可知此题错误。

4.T 由“So they buy some apples,pears and grapes.”可知此题正确。

5.T 由“At last,they buy a lot of things.But they can't carry them all.”可知此题正确。
