
Module 3 Famous people - Unit 6 (3)

一、(仅供参考)1.take 2.famous 3.get 4.singer  5.wonderful

二、1.famous 2.leader 3.free 4.loved

三、1.C give out 意为“分发;用尽”, give off意为“发出;长出”,give up 意为“放弃”,根据题意应选C。

2.B 在此题中,主语that是第三人称单数,谓语动词应用第三人称单数形式。

3.Could you 题中所给句子是含有情态动词could 的陈述句,变一般疑问句时,将could 提到句首并大写首字母,I变成you。

4.There are so many ways to become famous.

5.I'd love to be famous.

四、4 5 1 3(已给出) 6 2

五、1.T 由“Stephen Hawking is one of the famous scientists.”可知。

2.T 由“He has been invited to China.”可知。

3.F 由“He is a British scientist.”可知。
