
Module 3 Invitations - Unit 5 (3)

一、1.Is summer your favouriteseason?

2.I'll visit the GreatWall.

3.I'll go there bybus.

4.How do you go to Hainan,bytrain or byplane?

二、(仅供参考)1.cinema market seat hospital TV

2.shop cinema food fruit vegetables

三、plan will read going Maybe

四、1.Do you,your 题中所给句子是主语为I且谓语为实义动词的一般现在时的陈述句,变一般疑问句时,应借助助动词do,第一人称I,my分别变为第二人称you,your。

2.I'm writing a letter to my friend Jim.

五、2 3 1 4


I'm going to see a film on Sunday evening.Harry Potter will be on that day.I love this film very much.The film will start at eight o'clock.I plan to have dinner at half past six first.And I want to buy some snacks after dinner.Then I'll go to the cinema.Would you like to go with me?Come on!
